Test 5 temperamentów

Tutaj rozmawiamy o ogólnych kwestiach osobowości, typologiach osobowości, temperamentu; zamieszczamy testy osobowości.
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Rejestracja: 13 kwie 2012, 15:20
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Test 5 temperamentów

Post autor: Agon »


Your Result: Phlegmatic

You're Phlegmatic! You are a calm, easygoing, diplomatic mediator who is chill, cool, composed, collected, and above the fray, not plagued by the emotional outbursts or exaggerated feelings of all other temperaments. You're easy to get along with: a good listener, peaceful, agreeable, well balanced, stoic, level-headed, happily reconciled to life, steady, patient, forgiving, realistic with love and affection; you're a serene, pleasant, harmonious, and enjoyable all-purpose person. You're an indifferent observer who's unflappable, with a "take 'em or leave 'em, take it or leave it" approach, having no fear of rejection. You're the only temperament the Choleric can't control, you can handle and function quite well with unaffectionate, hostile people or social settings, as nothing ruffles your feathers. You're known for your poker face and dry humour, accompanied by your deadpan delivery, being witty, sarcastic, and teasing. You're very competent and practical, your uninvolvement, precision, and accuracy makes you a natural and great negotiator, diplomat, peacemaker, arbitrator, and administrator, good under pressure. You often have a blank expression with half-closed eyes and speak in a flat monotone voice. You're often neutral, moderate, apathetic, complacent, noncommittal, emotionless, and passive, casually giving only a nonchalant blank stare. Your low energy reserve doesn't move you either way, so you're stubborn, lazy, disengaged, and careless, needing sleep to regenerate.





Thanks For Visiting!
Thank you for taking the only free-to-use online Five Temperaments test! Just in case you're wondering, here are the Five Temperaments translated to other personality models: Myers-Briggs: Melancholy (ISTJ-T), Sanguine (ESFP-A), Choleric (ENTJ-A), Phlegmatic (INFP-A), Supine (INFP-T), 81 Types: Melancholy (ISTJ), Sanguine (ESFP), Choleric (ENTJ), Phlegmatic (ARBM), Supine (INFP), Enneagram: Melancholy (Type 5), Sanguine (Type 7), Choleric (Type 8), Phlegmatic (Type 9), Supine (Type 6), DiSC: Melancholy (Compliance), Sanguine (Influence), Choleric (Dominance), Phlegmatic (Steadiness), Supine (unidentified, but if any, Steadiness), True Colours: Melancholy (Gold a.k.a Purple), Sanguine (Orange), Choleric (unidentified, but if any, Green/Orange), Phlegmatic (Green/Blue), Supine (Blue).

"Five Temperaments Test" was created by Ezekiel
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Rejestracja: 01 maja 2012, 23:24
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Re: Test 5 temperamentów

Post autor: Fyapowah »

Your Result: Melancholy

You're Melancholy! You are very much a grave, grim, sorrowful introvert who needs to learn to communicate your feelings; emotionally you are very protective and guarded. You say you love someone by being dependable and responsible, often not in physical or verbal terms. You're intellectual and analytical, so you can see the end results of a project before moving forward. You're moody, enjoy being hurt, and you also have a very sensitive emotional nature; feelings dominate your being. Sometimes moods will lift you to extreme highs; at other times you will be gloomy and prone to deep, black depressions and dark moods. You aren't a social person, meeting new people is extremely difficult and social activities can be draining. You're the most sad out of the temperaments, and you often have a woeful pout. Withdrawn and remote, you are critical and suspicious of others. At your best, you're capable of great and wonderful things. When you sink to your weaknesses you become destructive to yourself and others, being rebellious, antagonistic, and vengeful. You can be a loner, who's task-oriented instead of people-oriented. You tend to be a perfectionist and may set unreasonable standards and goals for yourself and other people. You're a very loyal person to both your family and friends. If you make a promise, you will keep it. You're self-centred, easily offended and insulted. You're very creative, but rigid and inflexible. You're a very private, serious, and self-motivated person.




Czucie i wiara silniej mówi do mnie
Niż mędrca szkiełko i oko.
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Re: Test 5 temperamentów

Post autor: Rafael »

Five Temperaments Test
Your Result: Sanguine 88%

You're Sanguine! You are a mischievous, bubbly, charming, happy, joyous, sunny, gregarious, vivacious, enthusiastic, sociable extrovert who loves to be with people. Of all the temperaments, you're the easiest to be around socially. You're an outgoing, handshaking, touching person. You're the life of the party, bringing life and energy into a room by your very presence. Your cheerfulness and humor brighten everyone's life. You're an optimistic person who believes life is an exciting and fun-filled experience that should be lived to the fullest. Inactivity causes you stress since the pace at which you like to live your life is fast and furious. Your expression is often a sly smile. The most impulsive of all the temperaments, you excel in communication, but you don't relate well to tasks. You're the least disciplined and organized of all the temperaments. While you're outgoing, warm, compassionate, and relate well to other people's feelings, you can be rude and uncaring. The reason for this is because you tend not to be a faithful nor loyal friend, since you don't want to be burdened down with commitments; you just want to have fun. You may live as if you have no past or future, rarely learning from your past mistakes. You may never recognize your failures, exaggerating yourself to appear more successful than you truly are. Your major weakness is that you may adopt severe and destructive behavior. You'll volunteer for tasks, completing a project so far as your ego is being fed.
80% Supine
56% Melancholy
52% Phlegmatic
28% Choleric

I jeszcze tłumaczenie na polski według google z koniecznymi poprawkami. ;)

Jesteś sangwinikiem. Psotnym, energicznym, czarującym, szczęśliwym, radosnym, słonecznym, towarzyskim, pełnym życia, entuzjastycznym, dobrze zsocjalizowanym ekstrawertykiem, który uwielbia przebywać z ludźmi.
Ze wszystkich temperamentów, z Tobą najłatwiej jest wyjść gdzieś by się zabawić razem z innymi.
Jesteś osobą otwartą, łatwo nawiązującą kontakty i wywierającą wrażenie. Duszą towarzystwa, wnoszącą życie i energię do pomieszczenia samą swoją obecnością.

Twoja radość i humor rozjaśniają życie każdego.
Jesteś optymistą i wierzysz, że życie jest ekscytującym i pełnym zabawy doświadczeniem, które należy przeżyć w pełni.
Brak aktywności powoduje stres, ponieważ tempo, w jakim lubisz żyć, jest szybkie i szaleńcze.
Twój wyraz twarzy często przypomina chytry uśmieszek.

Najbardziej impulsywny ze wszystkich temperamentów, wyróżniasz się komunikacją, ale nie radzisz sobie dobrze z zadaniami. Jesteś najmniej zdyscyplinowany i zorganizowany ze wszystkich temperamentów.

Chociaż jesteś towarzyski, ciepły, współczujący i dobrze odnosisz się do uczuć innych ludzi, możesz być niegrzeczny i obojętny. Powodem tego jest to, że nie jesteś wiernym ani lojalnym przyjacielem, ponieważ nie chcesz być obciążony zobowiązaniami; chcesz się po prostu dobrze bawić. :)

Możesz żyć tak, jakbyś nie miał przeszłości ani przyszłości, rzadko ucząc się na błędach z przeszłości. Być może nigdy nie rozpoznasz swoich porażek, wyolbrzymiając się, by wyglądać na bardziej skutecznego, niż jesteś w rzeczywistości.
Twoją główną słabością jest to, że możesz przyjąć ostre i niszczące innych zachowanie.
Zgłosisz się na ochotnika do zadań, kończąc projekt na tyle, na ile nakarmisz swoje ego.

Temperament z swoim teoretycznym założeniu jest czymś stałym, bazującym hipotetycznie na budowie biologicznej mózgu, systemu hormonalnego. Jednak póki co żadne badania tego nie potwierdziły. :(
Powinien być badany przede wszystkim u dzieci. Z czasem pojawiają się pewne czynniki zakłócające.
U mnie to przede wszystkim choroby. :(

Niestety ten test ich nie uwzględnia i dlatego odpowiadając w prosty sposób na pytania otrzyma się to co jest na daną chwilę, a nie typ temperamentu z jakim urodziliśmy się. :)
Dlatego ja pozwoliłem sobie na małą podróż w czasie i dałem odpowiedzi, tak jakbym miał pięć lat lub nieco więcej. Powiedzmy do okresu zanim zacząłem chorować, czyli gdzieś około 15tego roku życia.

Wynik i opis dość trafne. Taki właśnie mniej więcej kiedyś byłem. :)
Nie o górę się potkniesz, ale o kamień.
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Rejestracja: 27 gru 2022, 21:42
Płeć: mężczyzna
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Re: Test 5 temperamentów

Post autor: KierowcaInrzynier »

Five Temperaments Test
Your Result: Melancholy


You're Melancholy! You are very much a grave, grim, sorrowful introvert who needs to learn to communicate your feelings; emotionally you are very protective and guarded. You say you love someone by being dependable and responsible, often not in physical or verbal terms. You're intellectual and analytical, so you can see the end results of a project before moving forward. You're moody, enjoy being hurt, and you also have a very sensitive emotional nature; feelings dominate your being. Sometimes moods will lift you to extreme highs; at other times you will be gloomy and prone to deep, black depressions and dark moods. You aren't a social person, meeting new people is extremely difficult and social activities can be draining. You're the most sad out of the temperaments, and you often have a woeful pout. Withdrawn and remote, you are critical and suspicious of others. At your best, you're capable of great and wonderful things. When you sink to your weaknesses you become destructive to yourself and others, being rebellious, antagonistic, and vengeful. You can be a loner, who's task-oriented instead of people-oriented. You tend to be a perfectionist and may set unreasonable standards and goals for yourself and other people. You're a very loyal person to both your family and friends. If you make a promise, you will keep it. You're self-centred, easily offended and insulted. You're very creative, but rigid and inflexible. You're a very private, serious, and self-motivated person.




Posty: 22
Rejestracja: 07 maja 2024, 1:03
Płeć: kobieta
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MBTI: Mtbi

Re: Test 5 temperamentów

Post autor: Xes-and-Ckuf »

Five Temperaments Test
Your Result: Melancholy

You're Melancholy! You are very much a grave, grim, sorrowful introvert who needs to learn to communicate your feelings; emotionally you are very protective and guarded

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